These powerful bonus products are specially curated to enhance your hearing and work in harmony with Quietum Plus for unparalleled support of your ear cells. It assists in the removal of toxins, and improves blood supply to the auditory glands. Quietum Plus is an all-natural blend of herbal and plant extracts that will help you live a peaceful life while treating your tinnitus. Each bottle contains 60 capsules. While some preliminary research on dietary supplements shows promise, there is more research to be done. According to research, these ingredients may help improve your hearing by reducing inflammation, increasing blood circulation, and decreasing noise sensitivity. In theory, scientists believe in a connection between heightened sensitivity in the brain after a nerve injury, but in the end, they're yet to find a cure for tinnitus. It is also beneficial for those who are tired and stressed for a prolonged time. Zinc supports nerve transmission and helps reduce oxidation. This is because both stress and anxiety manifest themselves through physical ailments. Quietum Plus can help with tinnitus as well as support overall ear health. Many of these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. Quietum Plus can be dangerous for children below 18 years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and people with serious health conditions. Maca Root is believed has a healing effect. If they aren't satisfied, they can return it for a full refund. Many people with hearing problems develop as they age.