Please note, the information we provide does not replace consultation with a qualified physician. Do you dread a trip to the ENT specialist for hearing problems?You might have noticed in your life that you cannot hear the words of others in a crowd. Catuaba powder is made from the bark of the Brazilian rainforest and is believed to be effective in treating anxiety, infections, memory problems, and other issues. A B12 shortage can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus, or even vascular problems in the auditory system. These bonuses, which are books on improving your health, come completely free with every first-time purchase. The manufacturer provides extensive evidence to explain how each ingredient works and how each is used. For those with severe to mild hearing impairment, it may take longer than usual for acute to mild conditions. The website lacks consumer testimonials. There are also verified customer reviews that the product works for some people. Quietum Plus supplement – Everything about the hearing aids, tinnitus treatments and Quietum Plus discussed. One of the key ingredients in Quietum Plus is L-arginine, an amino acid. This is a major advantage for buyers." The third stage helps to integrate the development of cognitive functions along with fortifying brain performance.