You should only register your purchase at the official store. We recommend that Quietum Plus be purchased directly from the official site. Quietum Plus, a natural dietary supplement, is designed to relieve tinnitus symptoms. L-Arginine forms nitric oxide, a chemical that combats oxidative stress, enhances vasodilation, and improves blood flow. This is why it is recommended that such people adjust their dosage and then try the supplement again. Without it, more room for positive disposition and overall well-being. Before you use the pill to treat your hearing issue, it is wise to consult your doctor. Worrying will only make you focus more on the tinnitus, which will seem to make it worse. This herbal treatment for anxiety, sadness, and sexual dysfunction shields the brain against aging and hearing loss. If you wish to purchase six bottles or more, then you are getting a great value package. Furthermore, in vitro research has shown that it has hematological, pro-apoptotic, anti-metastatic, anti-tuberculosis, anti-tumor and anti-tumor properties. This supplement helps to reduce oxidative stress which can lead to cognitive decline and impaired memory. Neuroscience Letters published a study showing that vitamin B6 and B12 can protect against hearing loss with age. It helps to increase the immune system, regulate existing damage, shield the inside ear structure, and boost hearing. JIRA feedback is gathered from a variety of sources.